To do that you add a special cuteness ending to the word you want to cuten up: 'чка (chka)' for a girl word, 'чик (chick)' or 'ик' or 'ок' for a boy word, and 'чко (chko)' 'це (tze)' or 'шко (shko)' for a neuter word.
Feminine Masculine Neuter These don't get any cuterкошка - кошечка кот - котик окно - окошко radio
чашка - чашечка стол - столик одеяло - одеяльце metro
тарелка - тарелочка стул - стульчик бревно - брёвнышко kino
собака - собачка день - денёк облако - облачко
рука - ручка дым - дымок солнце - солнышко
Feminine words are fairly easy to cuten up. Even if you're not sure if to use 'echka' or 'ochka', just say something blurry and in-betweeny that would sound more like an 'a' in 'cat'. Words that have a vowel before the 'ka' get 'chka', logically.
Masculine words don't have any padding, like 'ka' in feminine words, so just adding 'ick' to most of them works fine. The only ones that get 'yok' are those that end on a softness sign, and if there were no softness sign, it would sound like 'ok', but because of the softness sign, it sounds a tiny bit softer. So if you just add 'ok' to the word, it would logically sound like 'yok', because the softness sign does to a consonant what a ~ would do on top of a Spanish 'n'. So just think of that ending as 'ok' in both cases, but with the softness sign there.
Neuter words are a bit harder to figure out, but, luckily, there are not very many of them. Just memorize them, or don't cuten them for now.
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