Pick a word from each group in that order, pay attention to the genders. If you're lazy and want a quick way out just use: С днём рожденья - s dnyom rozhdenja - happy birthday (with a birthday) by itself. Put exclamations after words from group indicated:
Дорогая - dorogaya - dear (to a woman)
Дорогой - dorogoy - dear (to a man)
Милая - milaya - dear (to a woman)
Милый - mily - dear (to a man)
Любимая - lyubimaya - my loved one (to a woman)
Любимый -lyubimy - my loved one (to a man)
Мама - mama - mother
Папа - papa - father
Сестра - syestra - sister
Брат - brat - brother
Муж - muzh - husband
Жена - zhena - wife
Друг - drug - friend, boyfriend (a man)
Подруга - podruga - friend, girlfriend (a woman)
Бабушка - babushka - grandma
Дедушка - dyedushka - grandpa
Поздравляю - pozdravlyayu - I congratulate you
Поздравляем - pozdravlyayem - we congratulate you
С днём рожденья - s dnyom rozhdenja - happy birthday (with a birthday)
Желаю - zhelayu - I wish you
Желаем - zhelayem - we wish you
Счастья - schastja - happiness
Успехов - uspehov - success
Богатства - bogatstva - riches
Любви - lyubvi - love
Дорогая - dorogaya - dear (to a woman)
Дорогой - dorogoy - dear (to a man)
Милая - milaya - dear (to a woman)
Милый - mily - dear (to a man)
Любимая - lyubimaya - my loved one (to a woman)
Любимый -lyubimy - my loved one (to a man)
Мама - mama - mother
Папа - papa - father
Сестра - syestra - sister
Брат - brat - brother
Муж - muzh - husband
Жена - zhena - wife
Друг - drug - friend, boyfriend (a man)
Подруга - podruga - friend, girlfriend (a woman)
Бабушка - babushka - grandma
Дедушка - dyedushka - grandpa
Поздравляю - pozdravlyayu - I congratulate you
Поздравляем - pozdravlyayem - we congratulate you
С днём рожденья - s dnyom rozhdenja - happy birthday (with a birthday)
Желаю - zhelayu - I wish you
Желаем - zhelayem - we wish you
Счастья - schastja - happiness
Успехов - uspehov - success
Богатства - bogatstva - riches
Любви - lyubvi - love
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