Monday, September 26, 2011

Day five

Little by little I started to understand babushku.
When she said, "Hochesh estj?" it meant, "Want to eat?"
"Tyebye pelyonku pomyenyatj?" meant, "You want diaper change?"
"Tyebje" obviously meant "for you." "Tebye holodno?" - "Are you cold?"
"Chto nibudj bolit?" - "Anything hurts?"
If I screamed, and she was on her way from another part of the room, she reassured me with, "Idu, idu," - "I'm coming, I'm coming."
If she couldn't do something right away, she said, "Podozhdi" - "Wait". Often she said, "seichas pridu," or "seichas podoidu" both meaning "right now I'll come," or "Seichas idu" - "Coming now". What a frustrating language: having three ways to say to walk from there to here!
Babushka had a ridiculous multitude of pet names for me: detka, malishka, zaichik, kroshka, lapochka... I had no idea what those words really meant, but from her voice and facial expression I gathered they were all nice. But why do these people use so many words to say one thing! Possibly there are tiny nuances between them, that I'm not distinguishing yet...

Oh joy! Mama came in and gave me podarok - a nice thing someone gives one. Soska - the soft end of butilochki by itself. I can hold it in my mouth all the time! Nothing comes out of it, but the sucking helps with the nervous energy, while I'm laying here unable to move, thinking about my situation.
Why are those humans feeding me? I'm completely useless without proper legs or speaking ability. Perhaps they are fattening me up for eating?

Oh my god, they are! Babushka grabbed my sprouting feet and said, "Ya bi tyebya tak i sjyela." (Ya - I, bi - would, tjebja - you, sjela - ate)


Bi - would
Bolit? - hurts? Chto bolit? - what/where hurts?
Detka - little child
Holodno - cold
Idti - to walk, idu - I am walking, I walk
Kroshka - a crumb, a tiny female being
Lapochka - a cute little paw
Malishka - small female
Malish - small male
Sjyestj - to eat, sjyela - ate (fem.), sjyel - ate (masc.)
Tak - as is, like this, takaya - femenine, takoi - masculine
Zaichik - a cute little wild rabbit, zayatz - a wild rabbit, krolick - domestic rabbit

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